Aikido Shinryukan Beijing
Article I – Name
The name of this organization is „Aikido Shinryukan Beijing” (hereinafter referred to as ‘Beijing Shinryukan’).
Article II - Affiliation
Beijing Shinryukan is identified by the logo of Aikido Shinryukan.
Article III – Logo
Beijing Shinryukan is identified by the logo of Aikido Shinryukan, with the words “Aikido Shinryukan Beijing”.
Article IV– Aims and objectives
1. The objectives of Beijing Shinryukan shall be:
- To promote and support the development and practise of Aikido in Beijing
- Improve the quality of practice, deepen the understanding of the spirit of Aikido and of the etiquette on the mat, and thus promote Aikido as a high level martial art
- To co-operate with other Aikido dojos that share the same aims and objectives as Beijing Shinryukan
2. Beijing Shinryukan shall seek to serve the best interests of its members. Members should grow personally as they learn the principles of non-resistance, respect, and discipline. By this, Beijing Shinryukan provides a means by which its members may enrich the meaning of their own lives as well as to make the world around them a better place in which to live. Beijing Shinryukan functions in a way that is fair to everyone and that all members receive fair and equal treatment.
Article V – Membership
1. Any person interested in Aikido is welcome to become a member.
2. No-one may be denied membership on the basis of race, creed, religion, gender, age, sexual orientation, or national origin.
3. Admission to membership is to be at the discretion of the instructor. The instructor has the right to refuse application for membership if a person be deemed of unsuitable character or of insufficient age, or on any other reasonable grounds.
4. All members are registered with the head of Beijing Shinryukan. All members receive the same membership cards.
5. The membership starts with handing in the filled and signed membership registration form and the first payment of membership fee. New members will be given a copy of this constitution and the dojo etiquette.
6. The membership ends once either of the following conditions has been met:
- A member declares formally and in writing the end of his or her membership.
- The membership is revoked by the instructor.
7. Revocation of membership is at the discretion of the instructor once either of the following conditions has been met:
- A member endangers others in practice due to unsafe behavior.
- A member infringed the regulations of this constitution, or the dojo etiquette repeatedly or in a serious way.
- A member has brought Aikido, the Aikikai or Aikido Shinryukan into disrepute, or has acted in a unbecoming way or manner,
- A member hasn’t paid his or her membership fee for 3 months.
Article VI - Membership fees
1. The membership fee and modalities of payment are decided by the instructor, and have to be approved by the Head of Beijing Shinryukan. Membership fees are subject to change occasionally.
2. In addition to their membership fees, members pay a small monthly fee to the head of Beijing Shinryukan, for his or her organizational work. This fee and modalities of payment are decided by the head of Beijing Shinryukan. It is also subject to change occasionally.
Article VII – Responsibilities and rights of members
1. Members have the following responsibilities:
- They have to abide by this constitution and the dojo etiquette.
- They have to pay their fees on time.
- They must take care of their own accident/medical insurance coverage. Beijing Shinryukan and its instructors are not liable for any damage or injury.
2. Members have the following rights:
- They are allowed to attend all practices at their branch dojo, at discretion of the instructor.
- They are allowed to visit other branch dojos and practise there for free once per month. If they visit more often, the instructor may ask for a training fee.
- They have the right to be given a receipt on his or her membership fee payment.
- They can request to view the accounts kept by his or her instructor, or by the head of Beijing Shinryukan.
- Any student whose membership is revoked (as described in Article V, 7) will have seven days to appeal the revocation. The appeal must be submitted in writing to the Head of Beijing Shinryukan and must include any relevant information that has not already been presented. The Head of Beijing Shinryukan will either accept the appeal or turn it down within seven days of receiving the appeal.
Article VIII – How Beijing Shinryukan is to function
1. Beijing Shinryukan is organized in a hierarchical structure common to the traditional martial arts.
2. The head of Beijing Shinryukan is appointed by Nobuo Takase Shihan.
3. Black belt members of Beijing Shinryukan may open a branch dojo. They are given the rank of instructors. All instructors are to be appointed by Takase Shihan.
4. All organizational matters that regard the functioning of Beijing Shinryukan as a whole are the sole responsibility of the head of Beijing Shinryukan. In particular, s/he has the following responsibilities:
- S/he maintains a register of all members, and issues membership cards for all members.
- S/he keeps contact with all branch dojos, regularly visits them, and teaches there in regular intervals. S/he also checks the attendance list and the training plan, and advises the instructors.
- S/he keeps proper books of accounts with respect to the sums of money received and expended, and shows them to members on their request.
- S/he keeps contact with Takase Shihan and reports to him in regular intervals about the situation of the dojo.
- S/he keeps contact with other Aikido dojos.
- S/he takes care of publicity work, e.g. advertising, maintaining and updating the website.
- S/he is responsible for organizing seminars.
- Before examinations, s/he determines whether a member is ready to take a test. S/he then prepares a list of all exam candidates, and sends them to Takase Shihan. S/he is also responsible for collecting examination fees.
5. The head of Beijing Shinryukan may appoint instructors or other members to assist him or her to carry out these responsibilities.
6. An instructor has the following responsibilities:
- S/he acknowledges the regulations laid down in this constitution.
- S/he organizes the training at his dojo.
- S/he manages the finances of his or her dojo, e.g. collects the fee from its members, and pays the dojo rent.
- S/he keeps proper books of accounts with respect to the sums of money received and expended, and shows them to members of his or her branch dojo, or to the head of Beijing Shinryukan, on their request.
- S/he reports in regular intervals to the head of Beijing Shinryukan about the situation of his or her dojo. Such a report includes: new members, attendance list, training content, and finances.
Article IX– Grading examinations
1. All regulations concerning grading examinations, examination syllabus, and examination fees, are those of Aikido Shinryukan New Zealand.
2. Examinations are taken by Takase Shihan on his visits to Beijing and/or by his representative. If a member wants to take an examination with any other instructor, s/he needs to get consent from Takase Shihan.
Article X– Joint training and general meetings
1. In order to establish good connections between the different branch dojos, a joint training for all members of Beijing Shinryukan is organized in regular intervals. All members are required to attend this training. If a member is unable to attend, s/he has to explain his or her absence in writing to the Head of Beijing Shinryukan.
2. After a joint training, a general meeting can be held where problems and questions can be discussed between all members.
Article XI – Dojo Etiquette
1. The head of Beijing Shinryukan sets down regulations for dojo etiquette.
2. This dojo etiquette is binding for all branch dojos.
Article XII – Additional regulations
1. Any matters that are not covered by this constitution shall be dealt with in accordance with the spirit of Aikido, and in the best interest of Beijing Shinryukan and its members.
2. This constitution and all later changes have to be approved by Takase Shihan.
Signed by Takase Shihan on April 6th, 2014
The name of this organization is „Aikido Shinryukan Beijing” (hereinafter referred to as ‘Beijing Shinryukan’).
Article II - Affiliation
Beijing Shinryukan is identified by the logo of Aikido Shinryukan.
Article III – Logo
Beijing Shinryukan is identified by the logo of Aikido Shinryukan, with the words “Aikido Shinryukan Beijing”.
Article IV– Aims and objectives
1. The objectives of Beijing Shinryukan shall be:
- To promote and support the development and practise of Aikido in Beijing
- Improve the quality of practice, deepen the understanding of the spirit of Aikido and of the etiquette on the mat, and thus promote Aikido as a high level martial art
- To co-operate with other Aikido dojos that share the same aims and objectives as Beijing Shinryukan
2. Beijing Shinryukan shall seek to serve the best interests of its members. Members should grow personally as they learn the principles of non-resistance, respect, and discipline. By this, Beijing Shinryukan provides a means by which its members may enrich the meaning of their own lives as well as to make the world around them a better place in which to live. Beijing Shinryukan functions in a way that is fair to everyone and that all members receive fair and equal treatment.
Article V – Membership
1. Any person interested in Aikido is welcome to become a member.
2. No-one may be denied membership on the basis of race, creed, religion, gender, age, sexual orientation, or national origin.
3. Admission to membership is to be at the discretion of the instructor. The instructor has the right to refuse application for membership if a person be deemed of unsuitable character or of insufficient age, or on any other reasonable grounds.
4. All members are registered with the head of Beijing Shinryukan. All members receive the same membership cards.
5. The membership starts with handing in the filled and signed membership registration form and the first payment of membership fee. New members will be given a copy of this constitution and the dojo etiquette.
6. The membership ends once either of the following conditions has been met:
- A member declares formally and in writing the end of his or her membership.
- The membership is revoked by the instructor.
7. Revocation of membership is at the discretion of the instructor once either of the following conditions has been met:
- A member endangers others in practice due to unsafe behavior.
- A member infringed the regulations of this constitution, or the dojo etiquette repeatedly or in a serious way.
- A member has brought Aikido, the Aikikai or Aikido Shinryukan into disrepute, or has acted in a unbecoming way or manner,
- A member hasn’t paid his or her membership fee for 3 months.
Article VI - Membership fees
1. The membership fee and modalities of payment are decided by the instructor, and have to be approved by the Head of Beijing Shinryukan. Membership fees are subject to change occasionally.
2. In addition to their membership fees, members pay a small monthly fee to the head of Beijing Shinryukan, for his or her organizational work. This fee and modalities of payment are decided by the head of Beijing Shinryukan. It is also subject to change occasionally.
Article VII – Responsibilities and rights of members
1. Members have the following responsibilities:
- They have to abide by this constitution and the dojo etiquette.
- They have to pay their fees on time.
- They must take care of their own accident/medical insurance coverage. Beijing Shinryukan and its instructors are not liable for any damage or injury.
2. Members have the following rights:
- They are allowed to attend all practices at their branch dojo, at discretion of the instructor.
- They are allowed to visit other branch dojos and practise there for free once per month. If they visit more often, the instructor may ask for a training fee.
- They have the right to be given a receipt on his or her membership fee payment.
- They can request to view the accounts kept by his or her instructor, or by the head of Beijing Shinryukan.
- Any student whose membership is revoked (as described in Article V, 7) will have seven days to appeal the revocation. The appeal must be submitted in writing to the Head of Beijing Shinryukan and must include any relevant information that has not already been presented. The Head of Beijing Shinryukan will either accept the appeal or turn it down within seven days of receiving the appeal.
Article VIII – How Beijing Shinryukan is to function
1. Beijing Shinryukan is organized in a hierarchical structure common to the traditional martial arts.
2. The head of Beijing Shinryukan is appointed by Nobuo Takase Shihan.
3. Black belt members of Beijing Shinryukan may open a branch dojo. They are given the rank of instructors. All instructors are to be appointed by Takase Shihan.
4. All organizational matters that regard the functioning of Beijing Shinryukan as a whole are the sole responsibility of the head of Beijing Shinryukan. In particular, s/he has the following responsibilities:
- S/he maintains a register of all members, and issues membership cards for all members.
- S/he keeps contact with all branch dojos, regularly visits them, and teaches there in regular intervals. S/he also checks the attendance list and the training plan, and advises the instructors.
- S/he keeps proper books of accounts with respect to the sums of money received and expended, and shows them to members on their request.
- S/he keeps contact with Takase Shihan and reports to him in regular intervals about the situation of the dojo.
- S/he keeps contact with other Aikido dojos.
- S/he takes care of publicity work, e.g. advertising, maintaining and updating the website.
- S/he is responsible for organizing seminars.
- Before examinations, s/he determines whether a member is ready to take a test. S/he then prepares a list of all exam candidates, and sends them to Takase Shihan. S/he is also responsible for collecting examination fees.
5. The head of Beijing Shinryukan may appoint instructors or other members to assist him or her to carry out these responsibilities.
6. An instructor has the following responsibilities:
- S/he acknowledges the regulations laid down in this constitution.
- S/he organizes the training at his dojo.
- S/he manages the finances of his or her dojo, e.g. collects the fee from its members, and pays the dojo rent.
- S/he keeps proper books of accounts with respect to the sums of money received and expended, and shows them to members of his or her branch dojo, or to the head of Beijing Shinryukan, on their request.
- S/he reports in regular intervals to the head of Beijing Shinryukan about the situation of his or her dojo. Such a report includes: new members, attendance list, training content, and finances.
Article IX– Grading examinations
1. All regulations concerning grading examinations, examination syllabus, and examination fees, are those of Aikido Shinryukan New Zealand.
2. Examinations are taken by Takase Shihan on his visits to Beijing and/or by his representative. If a member wants to take an examination with any other instructor, s/he needs to get consent from Takase Shihan.
Article X– Joint training and general meetings
1. In order to establish good connections between the different branch dojos, a joint training for all members of Beijing Shinryukan is organized in regular intervals. All members are required to attend this training. If a member is unable to attend, s/he has to explain his or her absence in writing to the Head of Beijing Shinryukan.
2. After a joint training, a general meeting can be held where problems and questions can be discussed between all members.
Article XI – Dojo Etiquette
1. The head of Beijing Shinryukan sets down regulations for dojo etiquette.
2. This dojo etiquette is binding for all branch dojos.
Article XII – Additional regulations
1. Any matters that are not covered by this constitution shall be dealt with in accordance with the spirit of Aikido, and in the best interest of Beijing Shinryukan and its members.
2. This constitution and all later changes have to be approved by Takase Shihan.
Signed by Takase Shihan on April 6th, 2014